




行事概要 Application Requirements

テーマ / Theme
細胞・遺伝子治療の倫理 / The Ethics of Cell and Gene Therapy
日 時 / Date
2023年6月29,30日(木、金) / 29, 30  June, 2023
場  所 / Venue
シンガポール国立大学 / National University of Singapore
会 議 趣 旨 / Conference Statement
 As advances in cell and gene therapy push back the boundaries of medicine and science, they also place pressure on the boundaries of what is socially accepted and ethically permitted.
 At the research level, there remain questions around the translational pathway for reproductive gene editing – when will it be appropriate to edit human embryos to remove disease traits? Polygenic gene editing is further in the future but raises even more profound issues and opens the door to enhancement of polygenic traits, such as intelligence. Stem cell treatments are progressing, including using brain organoid and human chimera models. These models raise many ethical issues, particularly around moral status. Stem cells are being fused with computers to produce neurocomputers and brain-computer interfaces raising novel challenges around identity and authenticity. Stem cell derived gametes have the potential to radically change the options available for fertility treatment, but also raise numerous questions.
 At a clinical level, new gene therapies are being introduced which can treat previously incurable diseases like spinal muscular atrophy. These new treatments sometimes raise difficult questions around when they are in the interests of patients. They often raise difficult issues around distributive justice since gene therapies for rare disease are frequently extremely expensive. Mitochondrial transfer is a novel cell therapy for mitochondrial disease but there is little evidence of its success.
 Cell and gene therapy highlight cutting-edge ethical questions of contemporary medicine. This conference aims to unveil and critically examine these issues from a global perspective.
会 議 報 告 / Conference Report
    Proceedings of Conference Report 2023

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